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Business, Depression, Mental Health, personal

Creating a Business While Maintaining My Mental Health (Depression)

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog on here, or really anywhere. A lot of that reason comes from my real life issues, focusing on my offline life and waiting for the oh-so moment where my life is perfect enough to share online.

But in reality, it’s my mental health, mainly depression. At the same time, in the last 3 months, I decided to go full time in building a brand new business, I quit my job of almost 4 years and I’m starting therapy with a new therapist.

It’s been a very transitional period for me, and honestly, an emotionally brutal one. But I’ve decided today to start posting shit again and sharing what is on my heart before my blog, life, business or social media is perfect and I have a million followers.

Or, when my depression magically disappears.

woman sitting while reading a book
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

I believed for a very long time that for me to be taken seriously in my business that I had to be perfect. To have all my chakras aligned, to not have issues from childhood, to not think a negative thought and to have all my flaws and issues “healed.” But that is just not possible, reasonable or even maintainable… At least for me.

Most of the time, I can manage my depression just fine, but in the last year it has been getting worst and it’s difficult just to get through the day. So when I see the constant message to “show up” in your business and all these hustle boss babe bullshit that completely undermine a person’s mental health as a whole, it just reinforces that idea that the best way to start and create a business, is that you’re functioning at 100% all the time.

And. That. Is. Just. Not. Possible.

In fact, it’s quite toxic… and counter intuitive.

So with getting serious with my business of coaching other creatives about business, I want to make it clear that it’s so okay to break things down, to slow things down and to make business plausible for you. Regardless if you’re “embodying your highest self” or dealing with rough bout of depression.

For example, I’m currently working on my “work with me” page and even though It’s been going much slower than I expected… I’m still making progress and I’m not (completely) exhausted, frustrated and able to troubleshoot and smooth out issues along the way. It’s actually one of the major areas in my life that keeps my head above water despite my depression.

I was even guided by my intuition to take a week long break from working on it, which was much needed. I jumped back into it 2 days ago and I had a burst of progress I never anticipated. Working in Elementor clicked like it never have before, and now I feel confident that I’m able to build the landing page of my creative dreams!

I doubt I would have had that positive boost without listening to my intuition and being realistic on what I’m able and not able to do.

The fact I’m able to work with my mental health including the worst and the best of it, makes me capable to keep making the progress I want to make to ensure the success I know I want for myself.

So at the end of the day… Do what YOU need to do in your life, business, relationships or job to be able to “show up” but in a way that is possible and self-loving for you. Even if that means taking a break to recover and recharge.


I promise you that the world won’t end, success will still be an option for you and that you’ll practice an amazing amount of self-love in the process.

Let’s talk: Is there anything in your business that you’ve had to slow, break down or delegate to keep your mental health intact? Let me know how you handled it.

I know the subjects of business and mental health aren’t discussed often so I want to open that discussion because that is the world I live in.

So much love and unicorn blessings,

Kai ❤

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